My new love: Bally 'Ilya' Heels

I couldn't resist showing off my recent purchase. (Read: Look what I bought today! On a trip that wasn't meant to be for shopping or remotely any purchasing!)


They were too pretty to resist and it was the last pair that so luckily happened to be in my size. So yes, I might be slightly materialistic or a label whore; call me whatever you want but I'm not the only one and they are just gorgeous. And I just really love shoes! Can't wait to wear them to god knows where.

I'm starting to think that I have a sort of Obsessive Compulsive Shopping Disorder because these are the second pair of heels I've gotten in 2 days. Not to mention 5 new books, some new jeans, shirts, leather jackets, sweaters, make up, whatever else there is to mention.

I need help!

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